Monday, December 7, 2009

Putting A Bucket On Your Head

OK, first to get things straight this article is purely unrelated to this guy , even though I recently discovered that his music isn't half bad. This article is about people who put buckets on their heads. I know at this point the only person you can think of who you have seen wearing a bucket on their head lately was your 4 year old brother amusing you by repeatedly hitting walls and other such solid obstacles. But I am not referring to a bucket as a physical container being placed on your head, I am referring to the mental barriers we place around us everyday of our lives to avoid human contact and interaction.
At some point between Woodstock 69 and today your average person has lost the courage to express himself or herself honestly to others. The expression of ones emotions has become a sort of taboo that declares weakness and vulnerability. What has the world come to when you are too scared to tell someone that you love them, or even tell them that you hate them for that matter.
Now don't get me wrong, I am not saying you should go around telling everybody that you love them, that would probably land you a "suspected for use of narcotics" charge. All I am asking is that you say it when you really mean it. Tell your parents what they mean to you, tell your friends that they mean the world to you, tell that one special guy or girl in your life that you can't imagine breathing without them.
I know most of this sounds cheesy at this point but let me put it into perspective for you. Recently a friend of mine died and it got me thinking. If I were to die now would I have told the people around me the things I had to say. Probably not. So ask yourself that question. Do you really want to live in hypocrisy, is rejection so scary, does it feel good to keep distancing yourself from everyone? And just because I know some douche will mention it, you don't have to express yourself in words. You could as easily show someone you care about them without saying a word.
The point is to take that stupid bucket off your head and say what you feel. Try telling a person you are in love with them, it has been tried and it feels good. Down with emotional insecurity. Down with the social oppression of the individual's feelings. Down with democracy... No , wait what? Sorry that's a different blog I write on.

This is PeterParker signing off, may the force be with you.

1 comment:

  1. I really couldn't follow this advice. I believe the majority of people are despicable assholes. Going around saying it to their faces would probably lead to the rearrangement of my own.

    I'm confident I could break a couple of legs and kick some faces in... but the ratio of assholes to loved ones is so uneven that I would definitely succumb to those I despise.
