Thursday, May 5, 2011

Well here we go

So, it's been a while. But alas the time has come again when the urge to express my feelings through this humble blog has overcome my complacent and apathetic self. It has been a year since the last post on this blog and I do not hold delusions that it has been missed by the world community.
I cannot say that much has changed since the last time I was on here despite my efforts to single handedly save the human race from itself. People still go about there lives in blissful ignorance. They devote there lives to the paper and plastic we call money. They aspire to be copies rather than originals.
But who am I to judge? I am but a hypocrite. A preacher ignoring his own preachings. I attend my colorless 9-6 for the sake of currency, I watch on TV idly as the world sinks. Who can be bothered with the world anyway when you have your own problems to wallow in, as if when the term "the world" is used we personally like to believe we are not part of it. How can I worry about global warming when my girlfriend just dumped me, how can I worry about children starving in Africa when I'm not gonna be getting that raise I was promised. But at least we live in the digital age so the alternative to alcohol is drowning my mundane life through Porn and PlayStation.
Yes a hypocrite. I scorn the fools who invest so much time in looking fabulous but at night dream to be worshiped as they are. I quickly revert to stating that knowledge is power when the reality is that power is power. Knowledge has no other purpose than to be able to give more eloquent commentary on the downfall of humanity. Have we all just come to terms with the fact that our great grandchildren will have no planet to call home or are we just all in denial. Do we create small problems just to preoccupy ourselves and not acknowledge the fact the world is coming to an end.
Well maybe I'm overreacting. Maybe the world doesn't need saving. Who am I to judge people who are happy? Happiness is such a relative term. The only way to define how happy you are is to compare it to how shit you were before.
I cannot assume that this rant makes coherent sense to anyone but me. If I was to leave something to think about I would pose the question "Are you happy?" or maybe something not so philosophical; "Would you like to change something in your life?". But then again there is always something you would want different in your life, so the real question would be why haven't you changed it yet? Oh wait I probably know the anwser to that too, from personal experience nonetheless. You are lazy, you like apathy, why make a fuss, why try if we are prone to failure anyway. So the real question is: Do you care if you live or die? If you do then the inevitable decision is to make the best of this life while you are here because unlike so many things that we actually have a choice in, death is compulsory.

Happiness Must Be Earned